Summer faves

Happy September everyone! Every month seems to go a little faster than the one before lately! I cannot believe it’s September, but I am getting really excited for the cooler temps and Fall is my favorite season.

I thought I would do a post on my favorite things from summer:

1. My birthday!!

2. Mom visits!

3. Pocono’s mini-vacation

4. First triathlon with the best team-mates ever!

5. Vacation to Maine – such a great time with Joe and my family!

My niece wanted to go running

3. Climbing and skydiving!!!

4. Fun with friends

5. Marathon training!

Joe in front of me over the Brooklyn Bridge during our 15 miler

7. Watermelon & beer πŸ™‚

8. NYC Street fairs (easiest way to find my favorite pickles πŸ™‚ )

It was an incredible summer and I am even more excited for fall!!

What are your favorites from this summer? What are you looking forward to in the fall?

7 responses to “Summer faves

  1. Looks like you had such a great summer! Family, running, jumping, good eats, friends…sounds like an awesome summer to me! My favorites from this summer would be my cousin’s wedding, seeing family and friends, hitting mileage I never thought I would, and having it end because Fall is my favorite time of year, lol! πŸ™‚ Have a great, long weekend!

  2. Oh you have so many wonderful things happening in September. What day is your birthday hunnie?

  3. looks like you had a great summer! I’m looking forward to wearing sweatpants hahaha and pumpkin bread πŸ™‚

  4. Yay ya ya for your runs! Your summer looked amazing! Congrats on your first tri…they’re addicting, right? πŸ™‚

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